Exploring Washington State’s Electric Vehicle (EV) population 2024
The article answers the following questions:
1. How many Electric Vehicles are in Washington State?
2. What are the top 20 EV Makes
3. What are the top 20 EV Models
4. What is the frequency of full battery vs. Plugin hybrids?
5. What are the top 20 cities with EVs.
6. What are the top 20 counties with EVs.
7. What legislative districts have the most EV population.
8. Explore EV population density with machine learning.
The data was sourced from data.gov via the Washington State Department of Licensing. A link to the full dataset can be found here.
A link to the python code for replication can be found here.
According to the data, there are currently 143,596 registered electric vehicles in Washington State.
The purpose of this study is to serve as a baseline for future analysis and bring knowledge to the consumer market.
According to the outputs on both cluster analysis, the density population of EVs is on the west side of Washington State.
Learn about the dangerous of Electric Vehicles in these blogs here:
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