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How to Market an Outdoor Movie?

Bottom Line Up Front: The following article provides an expert Marketing Intelligence to plan your next Outdoor Movie.

If you are reading this article, then you are interested in making a lasting imprint for kids with this amazing hedonic experience. Therefore, it’s a very meaningful event and this article has plenty of outdoor movie night ideas. The end of the article contains a data-driven movie list for proven crowd turnout. Even if it is a good movie, if its a free drive -in movie, then not many will show because moviegoers think that it will be packed ( common case is the opposite). A decent drive in movie fee is between $5 - $20 a car.

Due to inflatable outdoor movie theater technology, a new market has arisen and so has imaginations. Everything from a “Dive-in” movie at the pool or a “Boat-In” movie overlooking Seattle’s beautiful harbor. Becoming a successful pioneer in this new world takes knowing the right marketing mix. It’s fun to experience the death and resurrection of the Drive-In movie. Social-Distancing was a game-changer for entertainment outdoors, resulting in a newest trend. The following helpful article is based on data from 2019 to present and covers the Pacific Northwest population for a sample. The data collected is from the cutting-edge industry leader, FunFlicks Outdoor Movies.

FunFlicks is the largest outdoor entertainment company on the planet let alone the United States. They specialize in outdoor movies with various sizes of inflatable outdoor movie screens. They have the best outdoor movie projectors and screen rentals in the business. FunFlicks does all the work, so you can focus on the marketing that matters.

However, there are three principals that make a successful Outdoor-Movie Marketing Mix: Imagination, Location, and Consistency


If you can’t imagine a good event, you probably won’t have one.



  Don’t stress if not many showed for the first one.
Please define your target audience. 

Graduations, comedy events, weddings, concerts, film festivals, sporting events, birthdays, fund-raisers, religious celebrations, and corporate events.

Different movies will attract different crowds. Don’t be surprised when more lovebirds show up to “The Princess Bride” vs kids. 

Having people log into a Kahoots quiz about movie trivia and offering prizes is a great way to record crowd numbers digitally.

Stay consistent!

Just keep running a movie event year after year and make it a series.

Constancy draws crowds.

The City of Spokane's Parks and Recreation increases the number of movies in their series every year due to crowd sizes!

Spokane Parks and Rec has an excellent system of using multiple social media platforms along with local news papers for FREE advertising under “Community Arts”. Read more about the Four Rules of Social Media Management and explore their very successful movie lists here: Spokane movies.

Big crowds = Bigger sponsors!

Host the movie along with other events and invite vendors.

A successful Boat-In Movie applying all the fundamentals!

Here is a video of an effective crowd-work before a movie: Outdoor Movie crowd work.


This outdoor movie suggestion comes with the research: 

The latest animated kid’s movie.

The Goonies

The Karate Kid

Back to the Future (make it a series)

The Gremlins

Anything with John Candy

Most Robin Williams movies



 The Sandlot

For more helpful Marketing Intelligence check out this: Helpful information