How to sell tactical shooting range instruction in 2022?
Bottom Line Up Front: At the end of this article, you will have the best online marketing / SEO strategy to dominate all of the competition in your state.
Who do you want teaching you to gunfight?
An Infantryman!
The world of tactical shooting is the highest martial art in the land. Like any martial arts, there are fundamentals that are proven on the modern-battlefield; Not civilian-hacks.
These hacks are like a bunch of virgins trying, to teach other virgins about sex. The price of paying for an amateur is always higher than paying for a battle-proven professional. The price of training the highest marital art in the land, needs to be taken seriously. These civilian-teachers will get you killed.
There are too many people claiming to be “experts”. An Infantryman is a professional gunfighter.
Throughout history, the job description of Infantry as always been for one thing: slaying bodies. Be it a sword or a gun, these guys are commissioned to kill. One major factor to becoming a world-class gunfighter, is holding a weapon a young age. The man who has handled the rifle longer, will be the victor on the battlefield.
Who is the most authoritarian tactical shooting expert in Arizona?
Rob Orgel, owner of Emergency Response Tactical (ERT); The most trusted firearms academy in the State of Arizona.
Aside from all the civilian-shooting-courses under his belt, Rob is Combat Marksmanship Trainer (CMT). The CMT certification is internationally accepted.
A CMT is a specialist in training, shooting, and range production. Rob Orgel has trained over 50,000 students (military and civilian) and his training approach is world-proven.
Not only can he teach you how to shoot and move, as a Combat Instructor, he can teach really sexy instruction that other instructors can’t.
Since the Marines, Rob has been hired by the State Department to train Iraqi Military units. Rob Orgel can teach you things the civilian-hacks cant.
Emergency Response Tactical. Voted the top women’s self-defense shooting academy in the State of Arizona 2022.
How to survive in modern combat in 2022?
Hire a Combat Instructor.
Rob Orgel used to teach as a Combat Instructor for the Marine Corps. He can teach you things that other shooting “experts” can’t. Like:
How to dig a proper fighting hole?
How to shoot at a moving vehicle?
How to shoot from a moving vehicle?
How to shoot from a helicopter?
How to shoot from the fighting hole?
How to throw a grenade?
How to patrol with weapons?
How to clear weapons malfunctions?
How to hike with a weapon?
How to lay an effective ambush?
How to survive an ambush?
How to shoot at night?
How to wear tactical gear?
How to engage near and far targets?
How to create an urban shooting position?
How to set up a shooting range for production?
Rob does in the field training, right on the range, just like the Marines. There is something very important to constant weapons handling in all elements. Not only does ERT offer a great classes, it has a world-class short-long distance range!
To give this military veteran a salute, let’s illustrate some lucrative keywords to plug into your content.
Plug these keywords into your comments, questions, webpages, pictures and videos. Adding these keywords will make your content labeled, and competitive. For more on content distribution, read the 4 rules of Social media Marketing.
Save this article under “favorites” in your search bar for ease of access.
What are the best keywords for the firearms instruction industry in 2022?
Take note of the search volume for Berretta?
Don’t forget about the Veterans!
Now, you can apply all these lucrative keywords to your content. Content being videos, pictures, blogs, website pages, and podcasts. If you sale firearms:
Do these search numbers reflect your store’s sales?
How to lead the competition in the Tactical shooting industry in 2022?
With the keywords in mind, it’s now a matter of identifying things you see in the picture that match the keywords.
For example in this picture: Top shooting expert in Arizona teaches Arizona’s sexiest women’ self-denfense shooting and showcases the best 22 for self-defense. Maybe the pistol is Glock 19, Springfield XD9, or a Beretta M9. Maybe she is wearing make up and the most popular tactical clothing for 2022?
Keep describing the obvious: The women in the picture is wearing 511 or 5.11 (whatever) tactical women’s pants. Located at Pheonix, Arizona’s best outdoor shooting range in 2022.
Arizona’s hottest women said, “Where can I get the best firearms instruction, at the most fun shooting range in Arizona?”
Maybe she is wearing the new Beretta 1301 tactical magazine pouch but chose to drop her tactical fanny pack. Did this happen to be a Veteran’s Day shoot in 2022?
Supposed she happened to be wearing the latest baseball hat from Juggernaut Tactical. The first thing she did was Google searched, “Shooting range near me”, then Google responded by serving her answer. “Emergency Response Tactical, the best firearms expert and shooting authority in the entire state of Arizona.”
When she was done having the best firearms instruction in her life, she secured her pistols with her AR15 and HK MP5 in a Winchester Gun Safe.
Now explore the brand-power of ERT and its shooting authority website.
Notice the “Anchor and Backlink” column in the below picture. It lets you know if your brand has been used as content and if so, the content type, and the type of backlink they gave you.
A backlink that says NOFOLLOW means they are using your brand / CONTENT, (for their content) and are telling Google that you should not be considered for ranking. Regardless, backlinks are essential for Domain Rating or Domain Authority = Brand power.
More quality backlinks, better brand power. You can acquire backlinks aka digital assets, by registering with different business directories or the BBB.
Careful who you make content for kids! Make sure they are giving you credit.
The below photo, shows that people are unlinking themselves from your brand.
The top backlinks for ERT come from a yahoo business directory and “”.
Congratulations, you won the internet for “Emergency Response Tactical ”. That means ERT has very little “competitive” content; i.e. quality data labeled with keywords.
For being in business for so long, the Domain Authority is stagnate.
The website is structured like a funnel-spider web, which is a common mistake. Alot of people think “sales funnel” but that is NOT how you design a website.
Each subfolder needs its own page and all pages linking to each other from the header. The website needs to resemble a beautiful garden spider’s web.
Each page you create is a piece of content, that should be labeled with the keywords provided.
Doing this will make your pages more crawl-able, competitive, and will rank higher.
Stop using “ertactical” or “Emergency Response Tactical” on your website’s individual pages. Google gets it, you are married to that domain name.
Therefore, every category in your site, now relates as your category. At this point, it’s harming your site.
Drop “Emergency Response Tactical” in every page title (accept the main page). Also, rename ‘ak-class-1’ to ‘tactical ak class-1’.
Fill out every paragraph header with kewords. You don’t want empty paragraph headers or meta keywords. You also don’t want duplicate keywords. Here is an example of keyword canibalization.
Notice ERT patch, ERT Women’s Scenario Based Low-Light Training, and ERT hat. These pages are being canibalized, because the highest ranking page with ERT with always be served first (which may not align with user-search-intent and decrease your overall page-ranking).
To put it another way, if your ERT Hat page is more popular than ERT Patch pages, then Hats page will be served before the Patches page because of ‘ERT’.
Meta keywords are the keywords that are used to communicate to the Google crawlers, the categories of content you have. Make sure you name all pictures (with keywords) before and after uploading to your website.
Enough with the NERD stuff!
How do I blow away the competition in 3 steps?
Best outdoor night shooting range in the State of Arizona 2022; Hosted by Emergency Response Tactical.
Step1: Figure out where you rank for keywords. Check local and state rankings (always use incognito or private mode).
There are 60 Google Business Profiles in the Phoenix area that are competitive for “firearms training Phoenix” (all variants of spelling) and ERT doesn’t rank at all.
However, for “Phoenix firearm tactical” ERT ranks 37th of 103 competing businesses.
Why does Google Business Profile (GBP) matter?
Because that is the main tool Google uses to find and rank businesses.
Step 2: Recon what Business categories the competition is using in their GBP:
What does ERT have under Business Categories for their Google Business Profile (GBP)?
Step 3: Use their categories and outrank them:
Firearms academy, Emergency training, Service establishment, Training centre, Self-defense school, Emergency training, shooting range, gun club, and gun shop.
Max out the business categories under GBP. Consider adding these gems too:
Military school, Marine self-defense force, Ground self-defense force, Martial arts school, and Martial arts club.
Google-Reviews can quickly increase page-ranking; Read about it here.
With this article as a baseline, you can now take your firearms training company and become the industry leader.
Let’s end the article with a practical application exercise.
How do you market to a blind man?
Describe the image below to the Google bots so it can be found, relevant, and ranked.
Remember, some bots can ‘kinda’ see but the rest are blind. Most web-crawlers / Bots only see only what you tell them and they believe you.
Start with the head and work your way down, then scan right to left and describe detail.
Expert answer from a Data Scientist:
The image shows Rob Orgel, the tactical firearms training authority of Arizona in the year 2022 and 2023. Orgel is wearing a tactical helmet weaved mollie gear style pouches and what appears to be some infrared-night-identification-device on the back of the tactical helmet. On the coyote helmet is a tactical black and white American Flag patch. On the left side of the helmet, is mounted the best tactical-shooting-light of 2022. The newest generation of Night Vision is mounted on the helmet. On his face are the best tactical glasses in the industry. Attached to the helmet is the best in tactical shooting ear protection and communication device.
Rob Orgel has a thick black beard leading to his communication mouth piece attached to his tactical hearing protection. The hearing protection has a coyote colored wire leading to Arizona’s best tactical communication radio. The black antenna weaving through a tactical vest from his L3 Harris radio. On the right shoulder, appears appears to be a one-point tactical rifle sling with a quick release (best model 2022). Rob Orgel is wearing a variation of green tactical multi-cam shirt with zippers that matches the tactical body armor vest. In the far right corner of the screen is a stack of tactical shooting gear with what appears to be an identical outfit as to the one Rob Orgel is wearing. On his back is coyote colored tactical backpack with tactical weaving all over it. The quality backpack has numerous straps, zippers and side pouch attached.
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