Kmeans Clustering with PCA
The article shows how to use Kmeans clustering analysis. The dataset of a major telecom company has been reduced via PCA first then processed for Kmeans. Using python in a Juypter Notebooks environment.
Principal Component Analysis
The following article demonstrates Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the variables of a major telecommunications company. It shows an example of a Scree Plot for Eigenvalues and distribution of variance amongst the variables.
How to create a Digital Marketing SWOT analysis for SEO?
The following article is an effective example of a SWOT analysis in conjunction with other valuation metrics to asses the competitive situation of a Spokane, Washington Audiologist, The SWOT analysis template can serve as a guide for others to understand how a money-making Digital Marketing Intelligence Report can help companies compete. The article feature competitive keywords in the Audiology industry and features the best audiologist in Spokane, Washington. The report is intended for education and promotion of SEO for local businesses.
How to Market a Jiu-Jitsu gym?
The article is not too technical and speaks more plainly to the average business owner.The article covers the local rankings of a Spokane, Washington Business ( Jiu Jitsu gym) and the human network that was leveraged to get this rank this small gym #2 on Google in less than 6months. The article covers the results of a Data Science experiment to increase Google page rank with Metcalfe’s law.
Optimizing Humans to Increase Page Ranking.
The article explores an experiment to leverage a human network to increase the Google page rank of a business. It details the steps necessary to train users to behave differently when commenting on Google reviews. The article exposes a legal manipulation of page ranking.
Top Spokane area news sources ranked by online trust.
Domain Rating for the number one Spokane news company. Part of a ranking of the best Spokane Washington News.
Drug Overdose Deaths Data Analysis
Compares 2012-2018 Accidental Drug death dataset for the State of Connecticut. The blog exposes some uncanny trends amongst older Americans.
Hospital Readmission tool
A useful tool to establish a readmission rate for an incoming hospital patient.
Multiple Linear Regression
Predicting the population of Washington State using R studio and Linear Regression.